KVKK Terms

QOLLANCHI Clarification Text on the Protection of Customer, Member and Visitor Personal Data

Dear Visitors, Customers and Members,

We would like to inform you about our practices regarding the processing of your personal data and your personal data that we process as QOLLANCHI as "Data Controller" within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("Law").

In this text:

  • Visiting the qollanchi.com website (“Site”), shopping on the website or sending the shopping made by third parties to you or becoming a member of the site (“Site Member”),
  • You agree to receive general and personalized campaign information through commercial communication channels,
  • Communicating with each other through communication channels,
  • You have to contact QOLLANCHI regarding corporate sales processes and/or make purchases or send you gifts, products, etc. regarding corporate sales processes. sending,
  • Your participation in campaigns, contests, sweepstakes and other events organized by QOLLANCHI;

case, there is a clarification text regarding the use of your personal data.

Site cookies etc. programs are used.

  1. What Is Our Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data and What Is Your Personal Data We Process?

Site Usage and Shopping (Shop as a member or without membership)

  • Carrying out the shopping process, preparing the order, packaging, preparing the delivery note, shipping, updating the delivery information, delivering your order to you, distinguishing the records belonging to you that we have created in our system from the records of other customers, post-sales operational transactions (modification, change, return, product review, etc.). .), your identity (name and surname) and contact information (e-mail address, phone number, address) and shopping (date, time, amount, shopping content, payment method and payment details) ) your information,
  • Your identity and billing information for the purpose of issuing invoices, as well as some additional billing information if you are a taxpayer (TC identity number, tax number, personal company information)
  • If you want to make your payment by credit card, your credit card information (credit card information is transferred to the payment institution without being recorded by us) in order to receive the payment.
  • If products are sent to you via the site by individuals, we process your name, surname, mobile phone and address information in order to deliver the order to you.
  • We process your site usage information in order to detect and correct technical/software errors and deficiencies encountered during your visit and use of the site.

Site Membership

  • Your identity (name and surname), contact (e-mail address, telephone number) and password information for the purposes of ensuring the realization of membership transactions, fulfilling the requirements of the membership agreement that we will conclude with you, making member login, and providing membership information,
  • Your identity (name and surname) and contact information (phone number, e-mail address, delivery and billing address information) in order to enable you to shop using your member information without the need to re-enter information for each shopping transaction when you want to shop on the Site as a member,
  • As a member, in order to provide you with the service of viewing your order history, your shopping information (shopping date, time, amount, shopping content, payment details),
  • To benefit from special membership programs, to benefit from special opportunities and offers that will be created according to your purchases from the site, to provide you with your shopping information on the site, general or special personalized campaigns, advantages, promotions, creation of advertisements, organization of campaigns, contests, sweepstakes and other events, segmentation, reporting, profiling, marketing and analysis studies, advertisements and marketing/communication activities of QOLLANCHI on the site or in other 3rd party environments (notifications on the Site, pop-up display, personalized offers, customization of user screens, advertisements, searches, surveys, etc.) .), in order to improve the user experience on the Site, your marketing information (date of birth, gender, province, district, demographic information, approaches to in-site notifications/surveys/offers/campaigns, habits, favourites, likes, behaviors, preferences, search movements, segments, g We process past purchases, cookie records, cookie and advertising identifier/ID information and device ID, payment methods and preferences, communication preferences, shopping amount, payment channels, bank information where the payment was made.

Commercial Communication Processes

In case you give commercial communication permission/explicit consent, general or special personalized campaigns, advantages, promotions, advertisements, notifications, marketing activities and commercial communication activities (SMS, e-mail, search, etc.) We process your identity (name and surname) and contact (phone number, e-mail address) information for the purposes of sending surveys for customer satisfaction regarding our and services, invitations to campaigns, contests, sweepstakes, invitations, openings and other events.

Corporate Sales Processes

If you contact our corporate sales unit, your identity (name and surname), communication (e-mail) for the purposes of preparing your offer upon your request, sending it to you, sending your information to the relevant store if you accept the offer, sending your products to you, when necessary and communicating regarding new order processes. , mobile phone), customer transaction (offer, order, cargo information), billing information and the institution you work for. (The information to be processed regarding your order is given above in the section on store purchases.)

  1. gifts, products, etc., by individuals within the scope of corporate sales processes. If it is sent, we process your name, surname, mobile phone, address and the institution you work for so that the order can be delivered to you.

Call Center/Customer Relations Processes

If you contact us through our communication channels (call center, e-mail, Site, social media, etc.), your identity (name and surname), contact (address, e-mail) address, phone number), customer transaction (your requests and complaints, purchases, gift/discount/benefit usage) and, if necessary, your legal transaction information; In addition, we process call center voice recordings to be used as evidence for our customer satisfaction efforts and disputes that may arise between us.

Legal Processes and Internal Activities

We process your identity, communication, shopping, invoice and transaction security (log records) information in order to fulfill our obligations arising from the legislation and to fulfill our other legal obligations towards authorized and authorized public institutions and organizations.

For the purposes of exercising all kinds of lawsuits, replies and objections against official institutions and organizations such as courts, enforcement offices, arbitral tribunals in disputes that may arise, conducting negotiations and agreement processes regarding disputes, delivering the necessary information to you if you request information from us, and internal audit, internal control. and within the scope of reporting, testing, development and improvement studies, information on identity (name and surname), contact (phone number, e-mail address, address), shopping, invoice, transaction security (Site membership, Site purchases, permission/openness within the scope of commercial communication) We process the log records of consent/contract approval) and your legal transaction information (correspondence and file information regarding dispute processes).

Your identity, contact, credit card information (only the first 6 and last 4 digits), shopping and banking information in order to prevent the use of the site system in violation of the membership agreement, legislation and morality, to detect suspicious transactions and illegal uses, to block and unblock them. We process your order information and transaction security information.

  1. To Whom and For What Purpose Can We Transfer Your Personal Data?

your personal data,

  • Information technologies, marketing/advertising/analysis activities, logistics services, payment services or consultancy requiring expertise, etc. with our company's domestic and international service providers (call center, those who collect personal data via devices, marketing/advertising/analysis service providers, database and server service providers, Site usage monitoring service providers, e-mail server service providers) in order to receive product and service support on issues. , e-invoice and e-archive invoice service providers, electronic message tool service providers, cargo and courier companies, banks and electronic payment institutions, legal and financial consultancy services, independent audit service providers, archiving service providers)
  • To these institutions, organizations and authorities with the information requested from us in order to provide information, documents and other related obligations to authorized public institutions and organizations and judicial authorities, and to use our legal rights such as lawsuit and reply rights,
  • With our suppliers and payment institutions related to the relevant transaction, from which we receive consultancy services when necessary, for the purposes of tracking and detecting suspicious transactions and preventing illegal transactions,
  • With our business partners within the scope of activities related to increasing site visit traffic,
  1. What is the collection method and legal reason for your personal data?

Recording your personal data, the shopping you make on the QOLLANCHI Site or the information you share regarding membership transactions in our systems, being a Site Member, recording all kinds of shopping, collection, delivery, transaction, survey filling, registration and behavioral transactions on the Site in our systems, redirecting from the websites of our business partners to the Site. by automatic methods such as recording your requests and complaints that you have forwarded to us during mutual communication via the call center, the Site, our e-mail addresses, social media and other communication channels, recording and enriching your conversations with the call center, or by official institutions, organizations and judicial / recording information / documents about you from administrative authorities, recording your mail order forms, recording the records related to your special order processes or return processes, and collecting the relevant documents by non-automatic methods. we are the moon.

Regarding the sales processes on the Site, the legal reasons "data processing is necessary for the establishment and performance of the contract", "fulfillment of legal obligation" and "data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller"; the legal reason for "fulfillment of the legal obligation" regarding our custody obligations arising from the legislation; Regarding the Site Membership processes, "data processing is necessary for the establishment and performance of the contract" and the "explicit consent" you give; If you request your information to be kept in commercial communication processes or special order processes, we collect it based on your "explicit consent". You can terminate your personal data processing activities based on explicit consent by withdrawing your explicit consent at any time and without giving any reason.

  1. What are your rights?

You can always apply to us regarding your rights in Article 11 of the Law regarding your personal data processed by us. You can submit your applications as Data Controller to QOLLANCHI by making a written application to the address below or by sending an e-mail from your e-mail address registered in our system. (We would like to remind you that the relevant request must comply with the conditions in the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller.)

Address: Yenibosna Merkez Mahallesi Nigar Sokak no:22 İbrahimoğulları İşhanı Kapı no:5 Floor:3 Bahçelievler/ İSTANBUL